Tuesday, 25 June 2013


I am writing this blog with only 4 days left until I go home. I have mixed feelings on returning home part of me would jump at the chance of staying for longer and the other half of me feels ready to go home see my friends and family and return to doing all of the stuff I enjoy doing at home. I am not looking forward to the next week as it going to be form filling, meetings and presentation I suppose this is to be expected with a government run scheme.

So I suppose the aim of this post is to gather together my concluding thoughts on my time in Burkina Faso. Have I enjoyed myself? The answer to that is a definite yes. Is this trip what I hoped of for? Probably not. I came on this trip hoping to get a real taste for development and I'm not convinced that is what I have received. ICS puts quite a high emphasise on personal development as well and it now appears to me that perhaps that is what the scheme is really about. Been the older end of the age spectrum of volunteers I don’t think I am able to get as much out of the personal development side as some of the other volunteers. Despite this I wouldn't change my decision to volunteer in Burkina Faso I have met some truly fantastic people and had my eyes opened to the issues of development and what life is really like in Africa.

Before coming to Burkina as a volunteer I had never been to Africa so I really had no idea what to expect. Burkina is a little known country that you rarely hear about other than in current times due to the border with Mali and their success in the African cup of nations. I can say now from personal experience that this is a massive shame while Burkina does not have a coast, amazing safari, pretty markets or many of the other things African countries are famed for. The people here are incredibly warm and welcoming with Burkinabes going out of their way to help you; there is an amazing sense of religious tolerance here as well with Muslims, Christians and Animists living side by side and the children are all always so happy even if they have very little. I have seen many children playing with tyres and sticks happily running along and it makes me wonder how much of a tantrum you would have to deal with if you gave a child at home that as a toy.

I can safely say that if it was not for I.S and I.C.S I would never have come to Burkina Faso and I am very glad I've had the opportunity to. I have seen a lot of poverty here although it is often quite well hidden and also been quite upset by the lack of rights for women and disabled people but I have also seen that there is so much more that characterises Africa and Burkina Faso than these things. I often get the feeling that the west sees Africa as a project that we have to throw money at in order to alleviate our guilt at how much we have in comparison. I don’t necessarily think this is the case Burkina Faso needs money but it also needs work to help it go to the right places and there is also a lot for us to learn from Africa.    

The other things I have learnt in Burkina Faso are....
  • You can always fit more people in a taxi.
  • There is nothing that you can’t fit in the boot of your car or on the roof.
  • There is nothing you cannot carry on your moped including; live goats, chickens, chairs, planks of wood, your whole extended family and all of these things at once.
  • Burkinabe children never tire of shaking your hand twice and day and yelling nasarra every time they see you.
  • You don’t need a four wheel drive to off road your taxi or moped will be just fine.
  • The more you pester to someone to buy something they don’t want the more likely they are to buy it.
  • Money cant buy you happiness. 

HSB and Tigoung Nonma 

Where to start... I have thoroughly enjoyed my time working with HSB and TN the staff have been so welcoming and friendly and I have felt a part of the family. It’s been amazing to see such a strong group of individuals who despite their disabilities and the exclusion of disabled people in Burkinabe society have found the strengths and means to still lead a normal life and to be a part of society.

My parting feeling from HSB is defiantly one of sadness in the past HSB have done a lot but unfortunately due to lack of funds most of the activities have come to a standstill. Unfortunately during our time with HSB we were unable to secure them any funds which leaves me with a sense of sadness that we were unable to help HSB with the think they need help with the most. HSB has the potential to do so much for disabled Burkinabes but they are unable to due to lack of funds. The Espace Bambino centre is only able to stay open until next year unless more funding can be secured. I really hope that before then HSB are able to secure some more funds to keep the centre open as it is a truly lovely place. At the moment HSB seem to be just trying to stay a float which is such I shame as I know they have the capacity to do more. 

As a fair well gift I gave Faridatou my colouring prodigy from espace bambino a rucksack as she didn’t have a bag to take her stuff to school in.

                                                                 Me and Faridatou

                                                           Faridatou and her mum

My parting feelings Tigoung Nonma are that this is an organisation that has a lot of potential to do well. They have some fantastic products but they just don’t have the people to sell them to. TN are sustainable so I believe that with some work and hopefully securing some consistent orders they have a bright future. TNs ability to deal with these orders is something I think definitely needs to be worked on as currently I am not convinced they would have the capacity to deal with big orders. This has led to me to come up with the idea of members of TN potentially taking some of the older Espace Bambino kids on as apprentices and teaching them their trade, something I need to put forward to the team leaders and TN.     

I have also forgotten to mention the Tigoung Nonma open day that we held last weekend. It was a great success with all of the other volunteers coming; there were all of TN’s products on sale, hair braiding, henna and food. All in all the day was a success with TN making over £100 which they were very pleased with.       
Jonny and Christof 
                                                           Getting some Henna done.
                                                                 Tigoung Nonmas stall

                                                Katie and possibly the cutest child in Burkina.

In conclusion my time in Burkina has been amazing and definitely a life changing experience even if it was not everything I expected it to be. There are many things in Burkina such as health care, education, poverty women’s rights and disabled people’s rights that I have found difficult to come to terms with and hope that one day can be changed however as of yet I am not sure how this can be done. When you look at neighbouring Ghana and hear that statics that nearly 100% of children in Ghana are in primary education it makes me wonder how things in Burkina can be so different? But perhaps this is a question for another day.

Thank you for reading my blog this may be my last entry unless I have some new reflections I feel the need to share once I am home. I am sure things will look different once I am back in the U.K.

Lucy xxx

                                          Getting mobbed by all the local children

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